Back in the North
SY Ghost
Tim and Clare Hagon
Mon 9 Mar 2015 20:12
0:16.10N 39:15.48W
We crossed back into the northern hemisphere this morning, toasting Neptune
and having ourselves a small rum to celebrate. It’s been just over a year since
we crossed into the south at the Galapagos islands.
The trip up from Noronha has been a light wind affair so far, with quite a
large adverse current. That should change within the next few days to give us up
to two knots in the right direction. I’m pleased to say that Bob’s back is much
better having rested it and with a bit of care we shouldn’t have to shoot him
before we get to Grenada. Another thing that has improved enormously is the
fishing. The day before yesterday we caught a Yellow Fin Tuna, followed by a
Wahoo and then a Mahi Mahi, all in the space of twenty minutes. I think that
scores as some kind of tropical ‘Mc Nab’. The lines are definitely ‘in’ while we
finish that lot.
A Brazilian fishing boat came very close to us this morning, turning to get
a better look as we passed. It’s always a bit nerve wracking when it happens so
far offshore as you’re never sure of their intentions. There are reports of
piracy along this coast so it’s always a good idea to keep a
distance. |