Over Half Way
SY Ghost
Tim and Clare Hagon
Sun 1 Feb 2015 19:46
13:28.0S 26:44.3W
We are now a little over half way towards Salvador. We have managed to sail
for the past couple of days enjoying flying one or other of our spinnakers,
depending on the wind strength. We have carried these sails for thousands of
miles without ever getting them out of the toy box so were beginning to wonder
whether they might have been an unnecessary purchase. However, they have more
than earned their place on board with the miles we’ve covered since Cape
Recent days have been spent with us all devouring books, Tim hosting a
craft morning on knots and needle matches of cribbage before dinner. Not exactly
hard core sailing but I’ll take that over the Indian Ocean any day! Chris
is winning the cribbage at the moment but that could all change. Play had to be
abandoned yesterday evening with a down turn in the weather; squalls approaching
and a quick manoeuvre to douse the spinnaker and revert to white sails for the
night. Clouds are forming to our south east now but we are hoping to keep the
spinnaker flying overnight. We have had the most wonderful moonlit, starry
nights which should keep us company all the way to Salvador.
Fishing has had to take a back seat whilst flying the spinnaker as it’s
just too hard to slow down in time but Tim took the opportunity of sailing under
white sails to manufacture a demon lure complete with snap-light for trailing at
night. The lure glowed behind us all night but sadly to no avail.
We have now sailed over 27,000 nm in Ghost since we took delivery of her in
Denmark .... quite a long way.