Well over half way

SY Ghost
Tim and Clare Hagon
Thu 13 Mar 2014 22:00
9:05.184S 121:47.168W
Life has slipped into offshore mode, with watches governing what goes on
when. We run a 2 hours on – 6 hours off system with 2 x 3 hour watches during
the day. This means that the watches rotate so the same person doesn’t end up
with all the good ones, namely dawn and dusk, and all the bad ones are evenly
spread too. The bad ones being 1 am – 3 am and 3 am – 5 am.
The bananas have all gone over ripe and are making their way into banana
bread and we are getting short on other fresh stuff that we picked up in the
Galapagos. All the fruit and veg is refrigerated so it has a very limited
lifespan. Salads will be major currency by the time we get to the
Our track here has been an interesting one, far more productive than the
Atlantic and as soon as we found the trade winds, having gone south for 3 days
we were able to turn west and aim at the islands. In fact we haven’t had to run
the engine at all for propulsion after the first night out. The winds have been
15 to 20 knots for most of the time and we’ve been making over 200 miles a day
on average. |