At Sea Again

SY Ghost
Tim and Clare Hagon
Sat 8 Feb 2014 22:55
05:37.69N 081:27.04W
After nearly three weeks of cruising, feasting and drinking around the San Blas islands, Panama and Las Perlas islands we are once again at sea. We crossed the start line off Contadora seconds after the gun, flying our asymmetric spinnaker. A great start and we were even in the lead for a short while later on in the day – always a worrying position! However the larger boats soon caught up and over took us.  Shortly after the start, the radio was alive with shouts of fishing trophies. I think most of the fleet, including ourselves, dined on fresh fish last night. It would appear the Pacific is full of it. We spent the night sailing with many lights from the fleet all around us. It’s always nice to have yachts for company as well as the stars.
This morning we tried out our new genoa from Sanders Sails in Lymington which was waiting for us when we reached Panama. It’s fantastic, we love it! Poled out we were getting 10 knots with a bit of help from waves. We were keen to get as far as possible with the wind before it died which it has finally done. We are now motoring and the Back Gammon tournament has commenced. The sea is becoming calmer and the weather forecasts predict much more of the same – not unexpected. The hatches are open and we are getting some breeze through to cool the 31 degrees down below. We’re hoping for calm seas and no wind when we cross the Equator, ideal conditions for a swim. Apparently tradition states the youngest male aboard is dressed up as Neptune’s wife – lucky Olly! We’re planning his outfit now.
Our good fortune with fishing continues – a large dorado was landed just before lunch – perfect timing for ceviche and the rest will feed us for a couple of days. A bit of healthy living will do us all good after the excesses of cruising!
Happy Birthday to Bryan (Tim’s father). I remembered phoning him from St Lucia 20 years ago to wish him Happy Birthday – the last time I did this.

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