Levuka, Nadi and Musket Cove

SY Ghost
Tim and Clare Hagon
Fri 11 Jul 2014 22:25
We left the delightful bay opposite Taveuni at dusk, giving ourselves
enough time to get through the reef before dark. The distance down to Levuka is
about 80 miles so it’s better to sail overnight and go through another pass when
the sun is up. Levuka is a world heritage site and the former capital of Fiji.
It’s on an island but with a good harbour for supply ships to get in it made
sense at the time. The current capital is Suva, just around the corner on the
south coast.
The town really is a step back in time, with shop fronts that look more
like something out of a western than somewhere in the south Pacific. The locals
are trying to keep it as it was and are doing a very good job of it. There is a
museum, full of everything from photographs of chiefs to bottles and treasure
from various shipwrecks. As with all the islands there is also a good display of
war clubs.
We had lunch in The Whale Tale restaurant along the seafront, then visited
the cession stones. These stones are set in a parade ground giving dates when
the country was taken over by Queen Victoria and when the Fijians took it back
in the 70’s.
We carried on around the coast of Fiji the next day. Levika has a canning
factory which ensures that you keep moving. The all pervading smell of cooking
fish gets a bit much after 24 hours!! On the west coast are two marinas, the
biggest one is Denerau which caters for everything from cruise ships to small
yachts and thankfully was full as the smaller on is a delight. Vuda point marina
has a circular mooring facility, slightly concerning as you have to force your
way in to make a space, a good restaurant and a resort next door which has great
food also. We stocked up at an Italian deli and a great butchers and with our
spare day before we went to Musket Cove we set off to the mud pools for a soak.
Penny and Alan Spriggs flew in to Fiji, then left to Musket Cove to await our
arrival there.
Musket Cove is a fun place, located about 15 miles to the west of Fiji it’s
a holiday island destination and has a fine yacht club of which we are now life
long members. We enjoyed a fine feast that they put on and then got the boat
ready to go to Vanuatu. The weather has started to change as we near Australia
and the constant trade winds, though still blowing are starting to be affected
by the lows that come through past New Zealand. A big low was developing and
planning to be between us and our destination, so we up anchored and left a day
early to avoid it.