Cascais - end of leg

St Barbara's Web Diary
Peter & Sue Goldsmith
Wed 10 Jun 2009 20:29
38:41.82N 9:24.95W
16.00 10th June
We have had complaints. We are used to complaints of course, too little
news, too much detail, not enough about cooking or even navigation so
nothing new. We have however been busy - very busy. Some good fortune has
been with us and the wind has been somewhere in the south helping us along.
The plan was to be here about 12th June but we made it by the 9th.
>From the last entry we were not quite so fortunate as we had wind against us
for most of the day. We made it to Faro, motor sailing in the entrance at a
bracing 7.5 knots and found a comfortable if breezy anchorage reminding us
of the north Norfolk coast. By the morning the wind had died down and on we
went and soon sailing well along the coast past Villamoura with Ken
regaling us with tales of expensive golf courses and even more expensive
hotels although he swore it was only hearsay!
The wind continued to be kind as we sailed up to the entrance and
reluctantly - skipper at least - dropped sails. When last here we had
arrived late and left early but this time we went in, waiting for the
lifting footbridge to open and found ourselves surrounded by Brits. Shopping
and a walk around the very pleasant town and a fort dedicated to St Barbara
we were hunting for food. Portugal means sardines and we had lots. A small
restaurant, eating outside we had a feast with salad and boiled potatoes. A
fine end to the day.
Originally the plan had been to go along the coast to Cape St Vincent of
Nelson's fame and anchor for the night so we were not up early and did our
shopping in a leisurely fashion. Off we went but a new forecast showed
favourable winds and so the crew agreed to continue and on to Sines. A good
passage with some unexpected night sailing and a superb chicken mohglai
(thanks also to Sasha) from the chef who persevered under trying conditions,
brought us into the harbour at Sines at around midnight. We anchored alone
in the middle of the bay with some rolling but we were all tired enough not
to care.
The morning showed that a marina had appeared in the corner since we were
last here and it would have been interesting to explore this pretty corner
but with winds still fair the skipper pushed on again to make for Cascais.
Outside there was still some swell - a long Atlantic swell - that we rode
across and once again a couple of hours later we had enough wind to sail.
Our head chef was heard to say that it was the best days sail he had
experienced - pretty impressive coming from him. He also predicted
accurately our arrival time at 1800 hours. We had the anchor down within a
100 metres of the point we were at in October 2003. News from home was not
good for Ken and so flights were quickly booked, dinner quickly eaten and so
to bed for an early start.
Into the dinghy early we saw Ken off at the station. Our very best wishes to
him and to his family. Jonathan is off tomorrow morning and is using the day
to see the sights of Lisbon. The skipper is busy working on an errant bilge
Another memorable leg with a great crew that did so well under conditions
that were not always ideal. I look forward to sailing with them again. We
have travelled 794 miles together and a total of 2460 miles from Fethiye.
Cheers guys!