Picturesque Chania

St Barbara's Web Diary
Peter & Sue Goldsmith
Sat 18 Apr 2009 16:29

35:32.11N 24:01.15E

12.00 18th April


Those paying attention will have noticed that the spelling of Hania has
changed to Chania. This is due to some complaints received, even though they
are unfounded. Even the Greeks seem to come up with multiple versions, one
even beginning with an X.

The other point of detail is the Quiz. we have had one response by text
(thanks L) and the only others from, shall we say, interested parties. This
is not goood enough. We go to a lot of time and trouble to write this diary
and if there is such little feedback we may be forced to close. You have
been warned.

Back to the trip. We left Iraklion (or Heraklion - to counter further
complaints) very early and without disturbing anyone and had a gentle day
motoring in very little wind to this very attractive harbour. Little evident
boating activity and with the help of an Italian couple to moor up stern too
the quay right outside a busy cafe as the locals were begining their

We ate on board courtesy of a very tasty chilli con carne from Clive and
watched the promenaders as they watched us. Later the crew were off around
town (they had been sleeping most of the day). The cafes and bars were open
late (it is Greek Easter) but it did little to prevent the skipper sleeping.
This morning he awoke early to explore alone. It really is very attractive
with many narrow streets and alleyways contaning bars, restaurants and

Back to St Barbara to find the crew awake and a fine English breakfast being
prepared by the first mate. The remainder of the day has been shopping,
taxiing for diesel and practising knots (don't ask, I don't know why) while
the skipper completed boat formalities.

We are leaving tomororw morning. The plan had been to stay another day,
however there are favourable winds to take us north west towards the
Peloponnese and we must use them. This is in preparation for our jump
towards the toe of Italy or for preference, Sicily.

Tonight, the chefs are off duty -we are eating ashore. Bon appetit!

Don't forget your answers to the quiz.