Malta still.

St Barbara's Web Diary
Peter & Sue Goldsmith
Wed 13 May 2009 13:56
Manoel Island Marina
35:54.19N 14:29.87E
18.00 13th May
The skipper is back from his short trip home see Sue who is unable to
travel. A reasonable list of house and garden tasks were completed and it
was good to be home for the few days.
Back on board to wash off the dust and make final preparations for the next
leg that will take us island hopping through Sicily, Sardinia, Menorca,
Majorca (possibly - given time) and finally Ibiza. Amy and Marcos are due
here this evening. Just enough time for a short rest and then leaving
tomorrow morning for Sicily while we have wind in the right direction. No
hanging about for this crew! We have more than 700 miles to cover.
While talking of islands, nobody has answered question 4 from the last
entry. Any ideas?