Marina at last

St Barbara's Web Diary
Peter & Sue Goldsmith
Tue 14 Apr 2009 15:20
35:11.16N 25:43.06E
12.00 14th April
Ayios Nikolaos ( again!)
Ever played with a yo-yo? - well we have been playing nautical yo-yo.
We waited all day off the beach in AN hoping that the wind would abate and
we could then get into the marina; but it was having none of it so we
decided to go north along the coast to Spinalonga lagoon. Spinalonga Island
is the former leper colony ( there is a novel about it apparently which the
erudite P's have both read) It is at the entrance to a long lagoon once used
as a seaplane base. On turning into the lagoon, we were met with fierce 25kt
winds, so promptly turned around and went out planning to go around the
headland westerly towards Heraklion. The wind would not abate - it
strengthened and we were then in wet gear ; just then we espied a yacht at
anchor in calm waters close to the shore - so in we went and anchored up
ready for an overnight stop. After a memorable and welcome chicken curry (
care of PC) the wind got up again and we decided to run back to Spinalonga
for a calm anchorage. Arriving at 2200 in the pitch darkness, we turned in
happy and safe if not a little frustrated with the weather. The really
galling part of all of this is that the weather was not as the forecast
predicted - but that's sailing I guess.
April 14th - after a very quiet night, the morning was bright and sunny. We
tried to get onto the leper colony but it was closed at that time. We then
had a very pleasant motorsail back to Ayios Nikolaos marina. Upon arrival
around 1000, we were told it was full up!. Peter G saw a few Bluewater Rally
flags and correctly guessed that this was the very time that the fleet was
due in port for the last official port of the rally. We moored just outside
the harbour and took the dinghy in. The very first person that Peter G met
when stepping ashore was Peter Seymour, the BW Rally director - I will let
Peter tell the story about his various "engagements" with PY!. Nonetheless
we managed to get a mooring in the marina for one night. Heaven - showers
and provisioning shops close by.
Peter G have spent a few hours on pointless documentation and officialdom,
PC and I bought up the local supermarket and bakers and now are having high
tea on the foredeck!
In the interest of keeping our skipper's blood pressure down, PC and I are
not mentioning a certain politician by name (GB) - but a referring to him as
the " Scottish man" - and we are not talking about the Royal Family or speed
cameras either. There are no subjects that I feel that strongly about except
perhaps pointless traffic lights on certain roundabouts around Chester.
Real treat tonight - the skipper has allowed shore leave so we are off to
find a restaurant - the first since leaving Rhodes a week ago.
Skipper here -any more mutinous mentions of that Scot and all shore leave
will be cancelled. That apart the crew are shaping up, although there is
still some way to go before promotions are due.
Lastly, we hope that this dary of ours is being read. We welcome comments
(to our email address please), at least we welcome positive ones and just to
make sure there will be soon be a competition with prizes awarded for the
best answers.