Aden day 2
St Barbara's Web Diary
Peter & Sue Goldsmith
Thu 21 Feb 2008 06:59
8:54N 69:58E
12.00 21st February
Full moon. It rose as the sun set last night and it set again at sunrise
this morning. The same magic as we had when we left the Andaman Islands.
During the night the moon was so bright Sam was reading without a torch.
We have been blessed with gentle winds and calm seas as we sail on serenely.
Sounds too good to be true, but that is what we have had for the past 24
hours. Those close to Aden have had little or no wind but some is forecast
by the time we are in the area.
Just the odd passing container ship but otherwise all quiet. Our second meal
of our fish was wonderful and we have one more fish dinner today. We have
frozen chickenand some mince that must be eaten so the fish in the sea have
one more day before we try again in earnest.
We have covered some 230 miles since we left Uligam.