Red Sea - day 8 Suakin at anchor

St Barbara's Web Diary
Peter & Sue Goldsmith
Thu 27 Mar 2008 07:51
19:06.49N 37:20.26E
12.00 27th March
Anchored at Suakin. We were told to wait for at the entrance while a ferry
arrived and docked. The entrance channel is fairly narrow and the ferry
took up a good part of it. Interesting to note that it is very deep water
immediately outside the entrance at some 4-500 meters and suddenly rises
like a cliff wall. We are in the inner harbour, a small a shallow lagoon
with the old ruined town on a small island directly in front of us. When we
arrived there was a man in a typical long white robe waving from the shore.
This was Mohammed, our friendly local agent. We picked him up and brought
him on board to complete a few pieces of paper and take away a pile of US
dollars for our shore passes, harbour dues and money for diesel.
Our walk around town was fascinating. We stopped to chat to a guy making
shoes from goat hide and soles from old car tires. Water and other heavy
items are moved around by donkey and cart. At the market we bought good
aubergines, tomatoes and eggs and were given a large bunch of mint as a
gift. We were planning to eat ashore at the "seafood" restaurant by the
harbour but when we went ashore it was closed. Closed around 4pm we were
told so back on board for an excellent veg curry.
This morning we have put fuel and some water on board and are soon off on
the local bus for the trip into Port Sudan. Should be an experience!