More work and some play at Uligam
St Barbara's Web Diary
Peter & Sue Goldsmith
Sat 16 Feb 2008 11:50
7:04N 72:55E
1600 16th Febuary
Please note error. Yesterdays message was dated 14th when it should have
read 15th. Anyone notice?
A few rain showers but the weather is fine and the natives are friendly.
"Blackbird" is from Norway and was having autopilot trouble - they had hand
steered from Phuket! What was to be a short visit took longer but we got
there and they now have a working pilot.. The crew were extremely grateful
and gave us dinner and plenty to drink last night. Baccalao (dried salt cod)
was delicious and we were joined by 5 Danes from another yacht - a real
Scandinavian evening and great fun.
Back to work this morning, topping up with fuel and water and yet another
repair job, this time an SSB radio with no reception for William, a Scotsman
form Dundee on "Quickstep" . Resolved and another satisfied customer. Sam
has been diving off the outer reef with Jim and Ged from "Albert II".
Tonight we have all been invited ashore to eat with the villagers. Should be
interesting! We walked around the village yesterday. It is very quiet and
the simplke houses are all made of broken lumps of coral with corrugated
iron roofs. A small grid like layout for a population of some 450 people.
Streets (paths really) of sand and no vehicles.
Plans for departure are being discussed. With the light winds continuing we
will probably now make directly for Aden with Tuesday morning the expected
departure time for a few of us to travel in company.