Ready for Rhodes
St Barbara's Web Diary
Peter & Sue Goldsmith
Tue 7 Apr 2009 09:24
12.00 6th April
So after months of thinking about it, weeks of looking forward and just the
last week at work to reach the end off, flying out to re-join StB was
excitedly anticipated. Work had been just a little busy that last week, a
certain new president, along with a cast of thousands, were travelling
through Stansted Airport (where I am now divisional commander) en-route to
the G20 summit. Long hours and some headaches over security, but by Friday
late afternoon I had finished and was packing. 5 am on Saturday, just about
to leave for the airport, always a good time to check passport, tickets etc.
and a sudden rather sinking feeling. Although I had booked four weeks off
work, I had my own plan to take a further day and fly on Friday - and
without doubt, my plane did, without me. Two hours of rather disheartening
surfing until I found the only flight that would get me to Dalaman that day
only had first class tickets. Once you have made the decision you just have
to forget the cost, unsurprisingly the flight was very, very pleasant. The
transfer at Istanbul was positively embarrassing. Whilst everyone else
waited I was first off the plane, met by a delightful stewardess, driven on
an airport trolley-car to immigration where she asked me to wait whilst she
got my visa then took me to the lounge to await my next plane. I really must
travel this way more often!
Since arrival its been a gentle couple of days, getting a few supplies,
rigging the boat, dodging the showers. First thing tomorrow we hope to be
off to Rhodes - out of the east and into the west, where Clive will arrive.
Skipper says it is good to have the recently upgraded 1st Mate on board.
Check out and provisioning are all that is left on the list. The forecast
for tomorrow is much improved and so we are ready??