.12:35.763N 061:23.256W Thursday 30th January. Hi all. Sorry there has been little on the blog but we've had no end of problems getting wifi in this area. Finally we are connected. We left Mustique (a very private island especially when Royals are there, which they were) this morning, as we're on a mission to get a new anchor. When we were in Bequia three days ago, a place that the blog didn't go through, we had our anchor drag. We were off the boat at a music festival and when the water taxi took us back we couldn't find SL Luckily when we did located her in the pitch dark there was no damage and there were no other boats near her. Whoo!!! So now we have decided to buy a new anchor, having talked about it for a year! Union Island, 25 miles south of Mustinique, is surrounded by reefs and it was tricky coming in with the sun going down however a restaurant owner was only too keen to have us tie up at his dock. As it was blowing a houle we didn't hesitate. He tell us it's freshly caught lobster for dinner which is a small price to pay. Tomorrow we head for Petit Martinique as that's where our new anchor hopefully will be.