Tony and Christine's Departure

The Diary of Sonsy Lass
Alex & June Laidlaw
Thu 26 May 2011 17:06
"36:45.28N 28:56.24E

Christine and Tony's last sailing day was interesting and most definitely eventful. A first for us was anchoring and taking a long line ashore to stop swing. This was in the beautiful Tersane Creek, keenly sought out by our eminent tour guide, Christine. We were at a distinct disadvantage, aaas the line we used was new and had a mind of its own. Eventually we did achieve the perfect mooring but this was on the third attempt. It was the between bits that were a tad challenging.
Two things worth noting, Tony broke sweat pulling the line back several times, And what was more amazing, Alex took to the water, not war, with the line (no not between his teeth) and made the necessary connection. The captain, June, was competently making the necessary adjustments to Sonsy Lass and Christine was giving advise to all and sundry, including those on other boats.
When the outboard refused to start, Tony accepted the challenge to row us to the restaurant and back, a considerable distance. A wee man came today to fix the outboard and it's now firing on all cylinders. What a relief.
We will miss our additional Competent Crew and Alex will be back to running around like a headless chicken.
Today is a rest day and tomorrow we hope to leave early for the Greek Islands