A rather quiet day

The Diary of Sonsy Lass
Alex & June Laidlaw
Sun 24 Nov 2013 20:18
16:30.801N 036:43.812E Today started rather slow with winds dropping off and becoming hot and humid, up to 29 degrees (84 deg F) We did have an incident of a bucket going overboard which is now probably on its way to Midway. Good job the ARC insisted we carry 2 buckets!!! Then we had the generator act up once again. This time it hardly went for any time at all before shutting down. So it was down to the bilge of the boat to strip it down and replace with a part the supplier said might be the problem.  Got it all stripped down ok only to find the part supplied didn’t fit. So its fingers crossed we can keep it going enough to make water for the next week, then we’re ok. If we can’t, you’ll smell us back home!! For the evening repast the chef excelled himself.  Hopefully he’ll bring a book out call the ‘Hairy Sailor’s Cook Book’. Watch out for it in a store near you!  The winds tonight have picked up considerably and the seas have become very lumpy. Hopefully we will all manage to get some sleep. We are now about one third of the way across – time for another celebration!