31:41.00N 34:33 This tour was dedicated to Jerusalem and was an action packed day if ever there was one. The Biblical and historical sites came at us fast and furious making itdifficult to cover the various places in detail (I bet you’re all glad) so it will be a quick run through. First stop was the Mount of Olives and Gethsemane with its ancient olive trees. These are said to be the oldest in the world and are still cropping after more than 2000 years. This is where Jesus came to pray after the Last Supper. Next stop was down into the old city and the Western Wall or Wailing Wall, which is sacred to the Jews and that was a most memorable sight with thousands all gathered at it. From there we went on the Church of the Tomb of the Virgin Mary and the candle lit cave where she ‘went to sleep’. This church was built by the Crusaders. On again, this time to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre that is the place of the Crucifixion and contains the Tomb of Jesus, all under one roof. This church was destroyed several times then after the conquest of Jerusalem, the Crusaders erected the present church in 1149. That ended the day’s tour and a little punch drunk on Biblical matters, we headed back to the marina. The evening’s entertainment was an Israeli/Irish band which sounded a lot more Israeli than Irish. The food and drink were flowing so it was another exceptional evening. Late into the night however we did hear gunfire but couldn’t ascertain whose it was. Ashkelon is only 20 miles from the Gaza Strip.