Crew into the shorts at last!!!

The Diary of Sonsy Lass
Alex & June Laidlaw
Sun 20 Jun 2010 15:00
This one is a bit of a boring trip.
After motoring halfway across the Atlantic to find the winds, we eventually turned south. With F5/6 on the tail, Sonsy Lass can certainly shift. We're leaving all the other sun seeking yachties in our wake, even a very large catamaran. We're not exactly racing but we're competitive!
Colin spotted a whale spout off the side of the boat. We all rushed up in excitement only to see it disappearing of into the distance. It obviously sussed us out and didn't want to know.
We decided to head straight to Lagos, in Portugal's Algarve, 350 miles away. This made it two 24 hour stints. The winds were so good, up our tail, but were due to die on Sunday pm. It would have made it a long slow slog if we had had to motor (never mind our carbon footprint (for the green brigade). The winds may have been good but oh boy the seas were rough and very confused.
Didn't want to go to Porto or Lisbon anyway, as we did them to excess last year plus they were both having some sort of festival. Probably to do with wine - not our scene at all!!!!
In Lagos, we have to visit Colin's old best buddy, Hugo, as we have a few small warranty repairs needed. Our experience of Hugo makes us unsure when we will leave Lagos. He sure does like to keep you around awhile! Probably won't be leaving here until at least next Saturday.