Bermudan preparations.
Robin & Jenny Martin
Fri 18 May 2012 19:08
The last minute jobs included restowing the lazerette, fixing the outboard (Jen hit a rock!) preparing the foresails and spinnaker and lines (we did this before we left Florida and didn't change the sails at all) changed the oil, the regular rig checks up the mast and did lots of chatting to other boats about how much maintenance there is. Refuelled at duty free prices but still 97p a litre. We are used to US prices at near $1 a litre.
The ARC Europe boats left Wednesday with a great photo opportunity as they sailed through the cut. We missed it.
For the last three nights we have been at Captain Smokes Marina, which has been very sociable, five boats tied stern too on a wall. Facilities include a single toilet and shower, shore power and as much fresh water as you want - luxury. The Marina is run by two brothers in their 80's who are a mind of information having lived on the island all their lives. Peter a retired dentist who lives next door not only allowed us to tap into his wi fi, he also took Sally and Jen to the supermarket to do the provisioning.
So it's supper ashore tonight at Auntie's cafe and an early night before an early start. Also a chance to catch up with Tony and Christine on Pelagia who sailed in from the Bahamas this morning, so perhaps not such an early night.
Stowing the tender
ARC Europe, the start
BBQ at Capt. Smokes
Robbie on his way up the mast, note it's laundry day too.
Bermuda's end to end cycle race.