The Thanksgiving Experience.
Robin & Jenny Martin
Fri 25 Nov 2011 18:36
We are now anchored in St Mary's river just off the town and the epicentre for the Thanksgiving celebrations. Every year boaters gather here on the 3rd thursday in November, the highlight is the "pot luck" lunch on the day but there's so much else going on that a few days stay is not enough. There is a group of well organised ladies with clip boards who sort us visiting yachts so we are in no doubt what's on, what to bring and what to expect!
Each morning the daily net starts at 9 am prompt packed full of useful information and giving us the chance to ask questions, buy, sell or borrow kit. With over 60 boats in the anchorage space is getting a bit tight and the tide gets quite strong and boats are dancing around a bit so a constant watch is needed at times. We have a very convenient spot just off the town near one of the state border buoys so depending on the wind and tide we could be in Georgia or Florida.
Yet again we marvel at how small the world actually is. On one of the runs to the supermarket we met John and Travis Woolcott who lived in Topsham in 60/70's and still have lots of friends there and visit every couple of years.
Photo of thanksgiving with friends & scenes from ICW