Heading north.
Robin & Jenny Martin
Mon 28 Feb 2011 12:27
Martinique - We had visited Le Marin with Charlie and Serena, so sailed on by to St Pierre at the north of the island for an overnight stop before an early start to
Dominica - The "nature" island and least commercialised of the Windward Isles. First stop Roseau with friendly, polite boat boys who arranged a taxi/guide to take on a tour the next day. We had a great day out, swam through a gorge, saw hot and cold sulphur springs the magnificent Trafalgar water falls and finished off with a nice creole fish lunch.
Next stop Prince Ruperts Bay, Portsmouth. We were greeted by Arthur who explained how the boat boys were working hard to raise the profile of the anchorage in Ruperts Bay by providing security patrols to cut out the petty crime to yachts and that it was working. Every Sunday they organise a "jump up" and BBQ on the beach and as it was Sunday we bought a ticket to support the cause.
When we got ashore in the evening we found most of the yachties anchored in the bay there and the rum punches were flowing. It was a great night and we met lots of interesting people, tucked into a nice BBQ and danced to very loud music. Gerry & Maureen were there from Bavarian Spirit and together we giggled our way back to our tenders and home for a good nights sleep.
The Saintes - Perfect sailing conditions from Dominica to Bourg. Ashore we were delighted in the supermarket to find it full of French goodies. Customs and immigrations (C&I) was interesting. I had to fill in the details on the computer which was in French, on the computer on a non qwerty keyboard while the customs officer sat on the other side of the desk operating the mouse - a kind of double act that took twice as long! Never mind I was rewarded with a lunch of real French bread, duck pate, camembert and a glass of bordeaux.
We anchored in the lee of Le Cabrit for the next night so as to enjoy a walk to Fort Josephine and some very good snorkelling before the 28 mile sail to Deshaies. Again a perfect sail 20 knots on the beam and a clear blue sky, arriving at dusk. Next day the weather looked to be changing, more cloud and stronger wind, so before leaving for Montserrat it was another French breakfast ashore and a top up of goodies.
Montserrat - great sail but the sea was getting bigger.We were able to sail quite close in and see for ourselves the devastation of Plymouth and more when the volcano,Soufriere, erupted in 1995. Billie McDermott will remember it well as he was involved in the logistics. The only place to anchor is Little Bay which was a pity as it was very, very rolly. Sadly we felt we could not leave Maymio to go and explore ashore as the forecast was for worse weather to come and as the bay was somewhat exposed. After a rather uncomfortable night we had an early start to Nevis.
Nevis - Stop press- Robin's barren period of fishing is over! He caught a large spanish mackerel half way across from Montserrat. Arrived at lunch time at this beautiful island and anchored of the town to clear C&I, Jens favourite pastime. Today it was fairly straight foreward but did involve a trip across town to immigration which doubled up with the magistrates court. All around town the TVs were on as the WI's were playing South Africa in the world cup, sadly they lost by 27 runs. We visited the local museum with a rather faded exhibition of the life of Nelson who married on Nevis in 1787.
Moored off Pinney's beach safe and strong, a good place to be until the wind drops. Great beach bar just a short tender ride away, Double Duce were we watched England beat France 17-9.
Vulcan Spirit arrived the next day with Richard and Ali and after picking up one of the 50 moorings [only just] we planned our ascent of mount Nevis 3232ft the next day [thats the boys, the girls were planning how long they can lie on a lounger at Double Duce]
After some duff info we eventually got up to the Source about 1000ft short and the secret trail to the top was kept secret. Apparently there have been some recent walkers getting lost so they weren't forthcoming with the route.
Back down we entertained the girls with our pioneering spirit which included lunch at the Golden Rock Hotel.
Richard and Ali gave us a very nice Fray Bentos supper and next day we moved onto St Kitts.
Coffee with TJ & Patsy at Marigot Bay, catching up on Baltic Wharf gossip.
Dominica - snake man
- Trafalgar waterfall.
- sulphur springs
Pelicans in the Saints.
Deahaies - getting the stores in.
Montserratt - ash flows.
Spanish mackerel.
Sunset in Nevis