Phase two completed

Robin & Jenny Martin
Sat 16 Oct 2010 18:51
33 mile beat to Morro Jable arriving just before dark, so didn't have time to explore as we needed to make an early start to do the 60miles to Las Palmas the next day. Variable light winds meant we had to motor-sail half the way so as to get there in good time. John was the winning fisherman - score 2-0, x2 2lb dorado. Robbie lost the BIG one!
Las Palmas marina is HUGE and already organised for the ARC boats. We were allocated a berth on pontoon G at the south end of the marina a good spot for the facilities and The Sailor's Bar, but also close enough to hear the all night disco, not a problem, we have learnt to sleep on clotheslines!
Our arrival in Las Palmas ends phase 2. Phase 3 is preparation for the ARC and crossing the Atlantic.
So far 11 weeks at sea and 2,522 miles covered
Photos Robbie getting to grips with the HF radio
Ships mascot and rat enjoying time in the Canaries