R and R in Tavria
Robin & Jenny Martin
Tue 31 Aug 2010 18:09
This is our fifth night anchored in Ria Formosa and we are having a great bit of R & R. Our plan was to get on with lots of jobs but having to get used to temperatures of 35 degrees makes it harder to get anything done quickly.
Life aboard Maymio is very comfortable, it may be because it still feels like a holiday but after a month away it seems like the norm to get up and put your swimmers on to make that first cup of tea!
Yesterday we went into town, walking the 2k along the causeway, between the salt flats, at 9am before the sun got too hot. The fish and produce market was amazing and we came away with squid, tuna and sardines and bags of fruit and veg. We have provisioned up enough to last us until 313/8/10(Tuesday)when we plan to move on.
Our outline plan is to sail to Chipiona, Rio Guadalquiver, Spain which is about 60miles. From there Cadiz, Gibraltar and along the coast of Morocco over to Madeira before the Canaries by 18/10/10 when we meet up with Wilf and Tony, our crew for the ARC.
J & R