Newport Rhode Island - arrived under tow. 41.28.77 N 71.19.75 W

Robin & Jenny Martin
Thu 9 Jun 2011 16:01
Arrived in Newport under tow. Luckily the wind was in the right direction so we sailed into the estuary and to 1/2 a mile from the harbour when Vulcan Spirit came to our aid.
That was the culmination of our passage from Bermuda and 7 days at sea. Quite an eventful time and a few things to put into the experience bank. The plan was to do the trip in 5 days but with the northerly current, stronger winds in all directions, and low front passing by, we managed to sail 796 miles instead of the rhum line of 630. We experienced our first storm but fortunately it was a force 7 and not stronger but we did have to change direction for nearly 24 hours.
Maymio was great, well reefed and we were very secure in the cockpit. Next day was a calm and the motor on - what a contrast but it gave us time to tidy up, dry out and catch up on sleep. We kept in contact with Richard & Ali on Vulcan Spirit who were 80 miles ahead but further to the east. They go well with bags of wind but we were catching them up as we closed in on the coast. A daylight entry to Newport was looking doubtful so we thought Martha's vineyard would be a good landing for Saturday evening. Not to be because the engine didn't start. Our reliable Yanmar had let us down for the first time. It was the starter motor and solenoid, so there was lots of checking of connections and banging motors but to no avail. A call to Sea Tow US for a RV nearer Newport but with $300/hour we wanted to get as close as possible. Night time looming forced us to change our minds for a tow and stick out another night in Newport Sound. A cold miserable night ahead when we should have been tucked up. Anyway, it wasn't so windy so we put ourselves in irons and drifted for a couple of hours before it was time to start heading in with the flooding tide. A great sail in from 17 miles in a light NE wind. Got to 1/2 mile from the anchorage when the wind died and Vulcan Spirit came to the rescue and our first tow.
Now we are here it is fantastic, a real sailing hot spot with super yachts, classics racers and beautiful motor launches all together in a myriad of wharfs. Yesterday we managed to buy a new starter motor from a second hand marine store and fitted it with the help of Richard and Peter off Saliander and the engine is running again as sweet as. The motor taken off will be reconditioned and kept as a spare should we ever need it again.
While all the technical stuff was going on onboard Jen and Ali started to explore what's ashore. What a delight! After the Caribbean it was back to a shopping heaven. A Walmart as big as two football pitches and after being denied for so long we have at last got choice again. Plenty to do too. Friday is the first baseball game of the season so we will be there to support the Newport Gulls on their opening night. The first J-Class regatta of the season starts on 15th with a series of five races so we will be there close hand to watch Valshada and Ranger, more info at