El Puerto de Santa Maria

Robin & Jenny Martin
Sun 5 Sep 2010 18:09
Moved down the Andalucian coast to Cadiz and made ourselves in the Real Club Nautica just across the bay from Cadiz. Moving slowly in this heat of 37 degrees and exhausted after a day sight seeing in the city of Cadiz. The Real Club is one these colonial type private clubs with excellent facilities and a queue to get a berth so we were quite lucky. Swimming pool only 30m from the boat. Still adjusting to life on board and wonder when our holiday finishes.
Fruitless effort to find a Moroccan pilot book in Cadiz so will elsewhere & research the net for more details. Luckily we have a chart plotter that covers the area.
Hard to believe it's five weeks since we left Turf but good to keep in touch with all the emails so thanks very much for all the news.
The HF radio set is giving us the world service but not sure of it's ability to transmit as yet. Maymio is going well and the weather has been kind with winds pointing us in the right direction. Robin is learning on the electrics which seem to be giving us some lighting problems but the generator is doing well and we have shore power when we are alongside.
Still struggle with Spanish siestas but language is improving!