Portugal - Oeiras
Robin & Jenny Martin
Thu 19 Aug 2010 16:44
We called into Povoa de Varzim (68 miles from Baiona) when they were celebrating their seafaring traditions and remembering those lost at sea; an evening of mortar firing and a fireworks display at midnight. Then onto Figueira da Foz (80 miles motor-sailing) to berth on pontoons not yet finished so had to tender ashore!
Left next day for an overnight to Lisbon to try and bypass some of the continuous Portuguese sandy coastline, and got held up around Iiha da Berlenga and arrived midday yesterday to Oeiras on the Rio Tejo to yet more sunshine.
It seems that everytime we travel overnight we lose another navigation light, this time the starboard light gave up the ghost! Looking forward to meeting up with Rebecca and Simon next week, not only to celebrate their recent engagement but to collect our replacement tricolour!
Robbie and Charlie caught the train to Lisbon to visit the maritime museum and hunted out some chandleries for navigation bulbs with limited success.
Tomorrow more of the same, to Simes then around Cape St Vincent on Saturday into the Algarve.
R J & C