Crossing Cadiz to Porto Santo, Madeira. 550miles

Robin & Jenny Martin
Fri 17 Sep 2010 16:29
Departed Rota at 15.30. Weather more settled than last week bringing forward our departure. We had a great stay in Puerto Santa Maria enjoying the facilities of the Real Club Nautico.
Overnight little wind and a large swell gave us a lumpy night and we motor sailed most of it. Plenty of shipping to look out for making it's way to and from the straits of Gibraltar - the AIS adding to our interest.
HIGHLIGHT - day and Robbie catches our supper a 2lb fish that tasted like mackerel.
LOWLIGHT - light airs continued until mid afternoon Tuesday before we were able to sail again.
Day 2. 155miles covered.
Sailed well through the night, 12 - 15 knots of wind on the starboard beam allowing us 6 - 7knots over the ground even with up to about half a knot of adverse tide.
The little brown bird that hitched a lift flew off having spent the night sleeping under the chart plotter
Grey overcast day without any direct sunshine. Wind did strange things at dawn, first blew up to 28 knots then died away to 5, all within an hour. Sailed until lunch time and then on with the engine.
Fishing at dusk Robbie caught 3 tuna, about 5lbs each, good job the freezer is working again. Pity about the cockpit, it resembled Sweeny Todd's barbers shop!
Day 3. 139 miles covered.
After a very calm and windless night of motoring the wind came up from the SW, just the direction we were heading! Not what the grib files predicted. So a day of being close hauled in 10 - 12 knots of wind making good speed south. Gradually the wind around to the west and by nightfall was NW, by which time it had gathered strength, 15 - 18 knts. Another bumpy night ahead! Full main & genoa reefed in to half size.
Anyone got any good recipes for fresh tuna?
Day 4. 160 miles covered. Total 579
Long night no other traffic seen at all. Bright dawn( an hour earlier now as back on Portuguese time). Tanking along on a beam reach now in 12 knts making 7 over the ground - fantastic sailing.
Land ahoy at 09.40h - Porto Santo 26 miles away.
Safety tied up in marina at 2.30, so exactly 4days, not bad well done Maymio.
Notice no photos after 3 days at sea - we look too unkempt to publish any!
Just arrived so notes from passage, a first for us of this length so off to the bar.
Really pleased the trip went without a hitch, but some techy things to sort for next time.