Southbound. 33.55.58 N 78.07.61 W

Robin & Jenny Martin
Mon 14 Nov 2011 16:03
The ICW (intra coastal waterway) runs from Norfolk to Miami, is 1000+ miles long and we plan to use it to get through Virginia and the Carolinas. Georgia is a bit windy and shallow so if possible we will go out to sea and bypass that bit.
So having made our way to Norfolk we have now become a canal boat! Maymio's mast is 63.5ft with the ariel above, the fixed bridges are mostly 65' so if we get the tide wrong the ariel get's a twang! Fortunately there are markers to tell us how much the air clearance is. Depth can be a bit of a problem too, especially around the inlets where the shoals build up and shift about. We have been aground several times but as the bottom is estuary type mud it's fairly easy to get off (lovely smelly mud like in the Exe)
With mile markers along the way it's easy to keep a check on where we are and find anchorages. Last night we had made it to mile 315 and treated ourselves to a night in a marina, the first since Dominican Republic. Real luxury to have limitless electric, water and wi fi! - we made the most of it. It's starting to get warmer now but we're not quite into shorts and t shirts yet. We've got the dolphins and pelicans back which is lovely but also the odd mossie which isn't so nice!
Here's a selection of photo from along the way - a picture speaks a thousand words!
Fall in the Potomac
With Bob & Sue and their hired Buick
Imelda gets a polish
Maymio moored at Gt Bride with passing traffic
Notice to boaters
Going under - scary stuff
Sunrise Mile Hammock Bay
11/11/11 Maymio wears a popppy with pride. in queue for bridge opening.