Skirting the Costas

Thursday 5th August A lovely 4-8 watch this morning. The sea is still so calm and the sky so clear and full of twinkling stars. I was thrilled to see two shooting stars – I still get excited whenever I’m lucky enough to see them. Dolphins appeared as the sun rose at 7. I could see fish jumping near them so I guess it was feeding time. At 11 I cooked us a breakfast which we ate in the cockpit in the sunshine. The heat intensified and at 3 we stopped the boat so that Paul could cool off in the sea. He said it was fantastic – warm and clear and refreshing but not enough to tempt me into such deep open water. For a brief period in the early evening we had the sails up and Harriet steering and enjoyed the absence of engine noise. It didn’t last long though because the wind picked up and changed direction. The sea began to get choppy as the sun went down and Paul warned that we could be in for a rough ride later after he’d checked the forecast. |