A windless day
Lady Stardust Faro-Portugal to Barcelona - 2010
Paul Collister
Wed 13 Dec 2006 22:16
For the first time, neither of us felt like eating last night - maybe
because we pigged out on Pringles and dips late in the afternoon or because it's
too hot and we hadn't done much to work up an appetite. Still, as Paul
pointed out with characteristic tact, we could both do with losing a bit of
weight in preparation for St. Lucia's excesses : ).
The night watches were easy and uneventful due to the flat calm sea and no
wind. With the engine on and Simon doing the steering - much more
efficiently than Harriet - I spent a pleasant four hours reading (the
life and poetry of Lord Byron), watching the shooting stars and checking the
engine's temperature gauge every half hour.
We are both sleeping better now that we're not being chucked into the lee
cloth on our bunks by the rolling. Today has been another clear, hot sunny
day and Paul has been busy doing his celestial navigation exercises which
involves complicated mathematical calculations. I've indulged in
the more pleasurable pastimes of reading, writing and dozing in the
sun because hopefully I'll be back at work some time next month so I feel I
should make the most of this time while I can : )
We've had the engine on motoring at five knots all day because of the lack
of wind and it looks like tomorrow might be the same but after that the trade
winds we need are back apparently. Late in the afternoon I went to sit on
the bow as it was so calm, hoping to see dolphins but only saw the delightful
flying fish which continue to fascinate me with their bird-like appearance as
they skim over the water.
Bye for now,
The sunset last night at around 6pm.
This morning's sunrise (Wed 13th)
Me on the bow earlier