We get hit by squalls!
Lady Stardust Faro-Portugal to Barcelona - 2010
Paul Collister
Sat 9 Dec 2006 17:55
After our half-way celebrations on Thursday, the sea got rough again with
waves breaking into the cockpit so we retired below and put the oil lamps and
music on while I attempted to cook pasta and pesto during the 35
degree rocking. This we had sat on the cabin floor with a can
of beer each which we wedged into a shoe to keep from spilling. It's
easy to imagine the difficulties of eating and drinking in a boat that is
rolling severely so we were glad we followed the advice given in one of the
sailing magazines to invest in a couple of deep plastic dog bowls! It's
proved to be one of the most useful of all the tips and hints so far because
even in these conditions (always assuming I can get the food into the bowl), the
food doesn't spill or move around too much. We therefore present a rather
uncivilized image - sitting on the floor eating out of dog bowls - good fun
Thursday night's 12-4am watch was quite rough with mountainous seas,
rain showers and the ever-present rolling but it wasn't cold and I kept busy
keeping Harriet on course and reading (Delderfield's To Serve Them All My
Days). Friday was much the same with such a huge swell that
it was difficult to do anything at all apart from lie in the sun
:). We were in the cabin listening to Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon'
when we were hit by our first real squall. It came on very suddenly, the
dark cloud that had been quite a way off was suddenly over us, carried 28
knots of wind, heavy rain and created a dark, eerie sky. We had to
act fast because the main sail gybed and I had to steer by hand while Paul
sorted it all out. Down below, Pink Floyd's final track had the ethereal
laughs and other atmospheric sound effects while they sang about lunatics and
the dark side of the moon- a very fitting background
There were more squalls through the night but Paul fixed the sails so
that they could cope with them and I spent my 8-12 watch keeping Harriet on
course, staring at the stars and listening to Neil Young on my iPod.
Today (Saturday) began very overcast with thick clouds and drizzle but the
sea was a lot calmer and I relished the luxury of making a flask of coffee
without risk of scalding myself, falling over and spilling it
everywhere. When Paul got up at 7 30 we made some changes the
mainsail, sorted out the topping lift which had come loose in the night, and did
a few other chores and then I cooked breakfast just before another
squall came along (see pics below). It's now 3 45 and we're back to
looking at blue skies and sunshine outside.
We have 1,111 miles left to do and still hope to be there on the 17th
December. Tomorrow we are going to put a Christmas tree up in the boat
complete with decorations and a star on top so watch out for pics of that.
Bye for now
The dog bowls ready to be filled.
Paul rushing to finish breakfast before the squall hits.
The squall! 9 o'clock this morning.
Another view of it as it approached