Arrived in St Lucia
Lady Stardust Faro-Portugal to Barcelona - 2010
Paul Collister
Tue 19 Dec 2006 13:23
Anyway we are here, the boat is sound and getting compliments from most people passing by. We are looking forward to the arrival of Richard and Geoff onboard Fleck, they should be here later today.
So far I can't find a wireless network so we are stuck with Iridium and small emails for now, maybe later we can sort this out.
We had a great welcome into the marina yesterday, lots of hooting horns and cheers, it did make berthing even more difficult with so many eyes on us.
Well I will write my epic on ocean passages later, for now we need to eat and I hear the 'bread basket' do a great breakfast, we haven't eaten since yesterday morning.
All the best