Off to the Salvagems
Lady Stardust Faro-Portugal to Barcelona - 2010
Paul Collister
Thu 31 Aug 2006 12:08
We left Funchal last night at 1900, what started
out as a lovely sail soon turned into the familiar 25Knt northerlies with rough
seas. However this morning (Thursday) the sea has calmed and we are making
5knts+ under full main and Genoa. We may fly the Parasail later if the wind
drops anymore.
The plan is to sail between the two Salvagem
islands which are roughly halfway between funchal and Las Palmas. These islands
are uninhabited nature reserves. I think there are wardens live there. You need
a permit to land, Sadly it looks like it will be dark when we pass between the
islands, Fag packet maths on Tuesday had us there in the daytime
Anyway, I'm on watch now,
Our postion is about 90 miles south of maderia
Paul C.