
Mon 26 May 2014 18:20
39:14.511 N - 67:58.876 W
Hi folks!
Yestderday we had good 15-20 knots winds pushing us
slightly to the North-East at about 7 knots averadge speed.
Unfortunately, the wind gave up during the night and we
were more or less stucked!
In the morning though, a strong Western current
of 25-30 knots winds established and we are now speeding between 8 and 9,5
knots on the reach, only using the genoa, heading 102 degrees ESE. The routing
seems to send us on a more southern route for the next few days. Later we will
again head NE.
We expect these stronger conditions to go on for some
time, but as we are on the reach and on the genoa only, it will be fast and
confortable sailing.
We had of course our daily problem to tackle: this time,
the boom attachement of the main sail sheets broke loose of and we had
to make a repair using taps in the boom in order to screw some bolts
Whilst preparing, Pierre unfortunately had his left
midvinger caught in the genoa winch which resulted in a rather deep flesh wound.
Having some experience with wounded fingers (connaisseurs will remember), we
managed to take care of this little injury. It will be ok in a couple of days.
No worries! (bloody anoying for typing though)
I have received guidelines from Charlotte to extend
the English comments on this dayli newsblog. Seems our friend Bill forgot
his Dutch! I am happy to oblige all those Anglo Saxons followers who sometimes
experience trouble with foreign languages... Just remember Congress voted just
by one vote to use English instead of Dutch !
We are of course very pleased that you take interest in
our Atlantic adventures, both in the UK and the USA.
That's it for today.
Voor jullie geen taalproblemen en ik hoef dus niet in
herhaling te vallen!
Behalve de kleine probleempjes die we goed hebben
opgelost, gaat alles OK aan boord.
We bakken nu eindelijk een broodje en kunnen we na de
menselijke en andere reparaties een herstellend hapje tot ons