Bill's Guest Blog Part 8 (Vathi to Preveza)

Thu 15 Sep 2011 19:12
The Levkas canal was fascinating (and free) and we followed a convoy of small boats, passing through the swing bridge at exactly mid day. We were now out of the so called 'Inland Sea' and in to the Ionian Sea proper. We enjoyed a good sail to Preveza and Graham did a superb job of parking Gilly B in quite a strong cross wind. We drank our SAD's with a tinge of sadness as it dawned on us that this was the final part of our little adventure.
In the evening we met up with our old friends Ron and Hazel who bought Naivasha, a Hallberg Rassy, from Mike Pearce of Orford. We had a superb meal at a taverna close to the marina and swapped stories of our adventures.
On Sunday morning, we learned that the taxi drivers had all gone on strike (it can only happen in Greece) so Ron kindly agreed to give us a lift to the airport.
Many thanks to Graham and Gilly for allowing us to share in their experience, we all had a fantastic time.