Baby Blue Wednesday Blog

Baby Blue
Baby Blue Holdings
Wed 9 Nov 2016 16:58
Hi All The day started grey, windy and with a big sea….more like the North Sea than the Atlantic off the African coast! We are getting into the routine of life aboard and having to eat, sleep and do our chores on a roller coaster. Changed the fishing lures in the hope (vain so far) of attracting a tuna or dorado to chase a bait fish at 10 knots…had some interested storm petrels (what they are doing 300 miles from land is anyone’s guess?) Meantime, we are celebrating two main milestones (or should I say knotstones)……we passed the halfway mark to Cap Verde on the night watch and we broke the 200 mile barrier over 24 hours between 19.00 and 0700. A small tot of rum will be served at sundown! Another event of note - I had to turn the water heater on as the crew were starting to smell pretty bad as they refused to shower in cold water - DJ’s are required for dinner tonight (Rumour has it that it is beef curry, rice and salad with fruit for desert - which Dave won’t eat) Forecast weather for rest of the trip is much the same though it has started to rain and the wind has dropped to 20 knots Heard from a neighbouring American yacht on channel 72 that Trump is now president?? They said they were continuing on a round world trip planned to take a bit over 4 years! ETA Cap Verde is early hours of Friday morning All for now Danny ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |