Baby Blue blog - Tuesday 29th November
Baby Blue
Baby Blue Holdings
Tue 29 Nov 2016 22:18
Hi All As we near the end of the journey (we expect to arrive around 0700 all being well), it is with a mixture of anticipation of achieving the crossing and in some ways regret that the camaraderie and shared experience is coming to an end (until the next adventure?) We have just finished dinner (yet another bolognaise!) and after our skippers briefing, we have started tidying and cleaning the boat - not too big a job because the guys have been super tidy and kept Baby Blue ship shape and Bristol fashion. The crew settle into the evening routine as the sun sets (difficult to tell actually because the sky has been grey and drizzly all day and is set to stay like that for the next few days at least p so much for the caribbean weather?). Washing has been brought off the internal washing line and the the red light goes on at the nav table, lifejackets get put on and the first watch adjust their head torches to dull and red as Andy S brings me coffee and a biscuit. Vera has been gently placed over the side to drift on the Atlantic current to Barbados - She was bought from an old lady vendor in Cap Verde to use if we got sunburnt and Andy P has grown very attached to her greeting her each morning with a cheery “Allo Vera”. Radar is showing some rain storms ahead but we are getting used to dealing with this enow and in any case they clean the decks - saving a job for tomorrow. Off to bed now for two hours as Miguel and I are on watch 2100 to midnight and 0600 to 0900 (during which time it’s all hands on deck for the arrival. Cheers Danny |