Tales of the South Pacific...

Mon 15 Sep 2003 22:02
Normally ocean sailing is large amounts of boring discomfort mixed with moments of sheer terror. So far, we are happy to report, the South Pacific has lived up
to it's peaceful name and given us little of either. The winds have been generally lighter and the seas flatter than expected allowing us to make the most of our time at sea.
Fishing provides not only fresh food but is a chance to compete (over the radio) with other sailors in the area. Our 50lb. Wahoo was a prize catch, but we bit off more than we could chew! Fish and chips, fish curry, fish stew, dried fish and more...!  After this big one we left the lines in for a few days.
Calm weather and flat seas should make for accurate sun sights. Obviously the American GPS system is not as good as they say as George's position fixes
never quite matched any of our 3 GPS's.
Once you have settled into the gentle routine of sleeping, eating, reading and cards you almost need to schedule anything else you want to fit into your day.
Before you know it you have been at sea for over 20 days and as an island looms on the horizon. Now you feel both excitement and a little apprehension about rejoining civilization.