Fiji Fotos...

Mon 17 Nov 2003 02:14
The islands of Fiji may be often visited but most of the 300 are very little seen. Within 20 miles of the many famous resorts there lies some of the nicest
anchorages we have yet stopped in. The Yasawa group have some of the most dramatic views in Fiji and  together with the continued traditional village life
made a great spot to take our visiting friend Rich and Claire.
The custom of asking permission to visit traditional waters is still observed in these parts. Once anchored you are required to present a gift of kava root
to the village chief or spokesman who then takes on responsibility for your time on and around his lands. This can sometimes lead to embarrassing
situations as you sit cross legged  in his hut trying to swallow this rough tasting local drink and follow the correct clapping procedure!
        Its hard to imagine people living in grass huts 30 miles from where 747 land hundreds of tourists on a daily basis, but that's the Fiji way of life
        A short sail south of the Yasawa group is another kind of paradise. The many resorts of the Mamanuca group cater to tourist of every budget,
    even grotty yachties are allowed to swim in the pool at Musket cove!