Avalon's web diary

Sun 4 May 2003 15:12
we could get Avalon in the water and ready to sail off to OZ in 4 weeks. Ha
Alas what feels like slow & painful is actually steady progress. Our race
is against the on coming hurricane season in the Nth hemisphere in July/Aug
and to have maximum time to explore the islands of the south Pacific before
sth hemisphere cyclone season starts in Nov.
We are now trying to leave to sail to Panama via Bonaire round the 9th May.
Since we arrived back on Avalon we have been busy fixing, throwing away
junk(amazing the crap you keep) and spending large amounts of money on new
Bec's first task was to put new antifouling on Avalon's bottom, her least
favourite job in the world (after cleaning guests heads) George's was to get
Alvin the engine going, and finish rewiring the boat electrics. During this
time we also imported our stuff from the BVI through customs, an experience
that needs a few more pages to tell. 8 days later we splashed back into the
sea and raised sail in a monohull for the first time in 2 years!! It moves!
Trinidad was next ( 80 miles sail south) for a major shopping spree. On
the sail down we were both cursing the miserable Caribbean short sharp chop
and strong current, whilst hoping the long Pacific swell will be kinder. Our
4 days in Trini was power shopping at it's best. We arrived with a huge wad
of greenbacks, left without any of them but lockers full of modern cruising
essentials. Sailed back to Grenada for Easter Regatta to catch up with good
The long and the short of the last 2 weeks is we can now turn wind into
water, bake wheatfree goodies and have a pressure shower! (even if it is in
the cockpit)
We plan to make future web diary entries on subjects much more exciting
and from lands of exotic repute!! So keep checking us out.
Love to all George and Bec.