On the Roll again

Mon 26 May 2003 21:47
towards Panama and it's famous canal. The false start was quite interesting,
the first time we have sailed with all the washboards in place! Nothing to
dangerous just some very boisterous waves that kept trying to make there way
into Avalon's cockpit. The wind was also a bit on the strong side which
blew the spray off the waves that didn't dump into the boat, all over
everything else.(Bec said that it wasn't sailing just "taking everything we
own out for a soaking!") Luckily Curacao was right there in our way so a
short dogs leg into the land locked Spanish Water to await better
As mentioned Spanish Water is a near land locked natural lagoon which
can be entered through a narrow zig zag channel that is only about 100ft
wide (between two reefs) at its entrance. The whole thing is completely
unmarked ( its easy the 2nd time!) as such we sailed past the opening before
seeing it. Turning back and soaking a second set of dry clothes we
negotiated the mouth and first bend. In a matter of seconds conditions went
from 25kts and 8 ft seas to dead calm! The most amazing part was that the
channel is 40 ft deep 40 ft from the shore which was a glorious beach packed
with weekending locals sitting on beach chairs, drinking beers, close enough
to pass us one. (I wish) It took 4 goes to get the anchor to hold in the
inner waters which were extensive and busy with all kinds of craft. (The
dingy races were most entertaining)
Our planned day trip up the coast was cancelled when we awoke on Sunday
to find just as much wind and no doubt bigger waves outside.
So our second start was this morning and so far things are much better.
Got some tunes on FM coming in from Venezuela and the wind is down, only
causing one wave to dampen Bec's pants and my book. We are passing Aruba,
just visible through the haze, about 5 miles off. Will be on the Colombian
coast for breakfast and for the first time have a straight shot at the
Apparently we may be able to see snow capped mountains over the next
couple of days, so we will let you know!!
Regards B+G 12N 70W