
Thu 21 Aug 2003 05:31
Isla Isabela Galapagos to Hiva Oa, Marquesas 22 Days, 11 Hours and 13
Arrival time 17:11 local
Total distance 2930 miles, average speed 5.4 knots
Best days run 170 (7.1 knots)
Worst 102 miles (4.25 knots)
Amazing sunsets 22
Starry nights to die for 22
Breakages 2, 1 Shackle (fixed in 5 minutes) and one wind vane sail (10
Fuel used, 16US Gallons (Battery Charging/ water making)
Water used, approx. 70 Gal (Left Galapagos with 50 and arrived with 30)
Rum 0.5 Gal (Medicinal purposes)
Now 19:00 local, must fly, cold beer waiting for us, more tomorrow.