27 38N 71 26W

Charlie Bruinette
Tue 1 Sep 2009 23:08
Wow! What a day! Last night I saw a rainbow at night. No color but I did not realize its possible. This morning at 6 a marlin was swimming around the stern. I ran for the Camera, but missed it. Then at 930 this Thunderstorm hit. I thought i was gonna lose the stick. 6 to 7 knots under bare poles. Must have had 60+ knots in it. This afternoon I sailed past a submarine on the surface about 2 miles away. I bet they had a good grumble about silent running! All day I've been doing 4 knots under my #3. pretty good but thereis another big thunderstorm closing. Its all black but night is coming so one never know whats in store. Hard to believe Ive sailed about a third to Nova Scotia allready. and I thought I'm next to Miami. Less than a thou as the crow flies.