41 34,9888N 069 47,7818W

Charlie Bruinette
Sat 10 Oct 2009 12:56
Managed to crawl 21 miles since I left yesterday at
1100. No wind again. I need a bigger boat with a big diesel engine. Glass or
Aluminium. I'll start looking into that upon my arrival. I really want to do
some northern cruising and ice in the bilge while waiting around for the wind is
not the answer to my problems. I'm awfully sorry about my difficulties with the
coasties. It's due to an unfortunate set of circumstanses and one I'm no longer
prepared to apologize for. I'm getting frustrated & tired of living a life
of constant apology or in a state of mental depression. The time has come to do
something about it. I am planning on retaining counsel in order to seek
redress, as soon as I can The adage of, "Better to beg
forgiveness than ask permission" is bullshit. I am well within the bounds of
both international & the United States' Admiralty law to enjoy the
freedom of the high seas & to enter any port anywhere in the world in order
to seek shelter or make essential repars. Amazing how we come to
accept rules & give up freedoms that is to the detriment of
our society. We are all just third generation passport holders at best.
There are old captains around the world, alive today who have lived and worked
around the world, without such a thing. You packed your bags & got
on with it. To the best of my knowledge, I am not the first yachtsman
to have run into these difficulties. I've heard some horror stories of fines,
confiscations and detention with repatriation in my time & I've voiced
my concerns before on this blog site. Phuckit, but I've had enough to last
a life time. Time to stop being the nice guy. Time to do some business. . As a
matter of fact, I was surprized, pleasantly so, as to how well the matter was
handled at Norfolk, albeit outside the relevant jurisdiction of the Naval
Admiralty. So now that my resolve is fuelled, where is the wind? I need to get a
move on. Places to go, people to see. You know.