4 41N 64 58W

Charlie Bruinette
Tue 13 Oct 2009 01:56
Boy am I in a much better mood tonight! I'm sailing
on a broad reach at 4 knots NE up the coast of Nova Scotia. about a mile
offshore. Finally I'm in the lee of a huge mass of land which blocks the
prevailing Westerly swell & leaves me on a mill pond. The boat is gliding
along so smoothly, I might as well be at anchor. I am expecting things to change
though. Tomorrow after lunch we are expecting a big low to move over this area,
bringing light on shore winds, changing to 30 /50 knots Nor'westerly.
(Just noticed the 3 is not working properly. I see some mashed potatoes between
the keys) (watching movies are less fun now since the demise of the
stereo. Yes it also got full of mashed potatoes & vinegar, soy etc. I'm
happy the computer is still OK) I was planning on entering Lockport harbour to
sit the storm out. But it is folly to attempt an entry into that tight quarters
on a moonless night. Moonrise tonight here at 45N will be at 0052 and I
chickened out on the entry at 2020, about 200 yards from the start of the
entrance channel. No point in hanging about though. In stead I'm moving further
up the coast. I think the southerlies before the storm will be enough to carry
my into another bay further North East. I'll be really glad if this breeze lasts
me to Lunenburg. It is a must on the To Do list. Halifax is also a day sail from
there. Then I'll be able to choose the wind for my entry more accurately, as
it's great to be able to sail in all the way, as it is with a southerly.. It is
allready starting to get very cold here. Last night the thermometer dropped to 9
deg C. I was wondering what the wind chill factor was with 30 knots of wind? It
is not great sailing weather & will be much easier to deal with at anchor or
on a marina with the diesel heater burning. So close to being there, I'm
starting to relax a bit. It has been a very long, difficult trip &
hard on me and my friends. Do I still have friends? Just kidding! Thanks to
every one who supports me. I'll be making phone calls when I get shore