42 18N 66 44 W

Charlie Bruinette
Sun 11 Oct 2009 17:52
Funny thing about sailors & people on boats.
Yes there is a difference & I'm some where in there. Funny how the weather
becomes the centre of our universe. I spent all day bitching about it, while
trying to wipe a mixture of mashed potato, vinegar, honey & teriyaki sauce
off tha ceiling & walls of the boat. Yea! Came close to rolling last night.
Weather forecast was WRONG!!!! AGAIN!!!! It's funny how one can become
so accustomed to, the neverending good weather in the tropics. Where every
day is a great day, and still people check the weather daily to plan their
movements. Do I miss the tropics? You bet your ass I do! But this is something I
need to see & do, for a fuller life..Getting closer now. about 90 miles to
the coast. (Cape Sable) Then another 150 to Halifax. Probably three das the way
things have gone so far. Alls well that ends well.