Good Day and a Great Night

Good Day and a Great Night 28:39.29N 076:12.429W November 14 Saturday 02:00 AST As predicted the winds moderated and the waves followed as we reached North 31⁰ Latitude in the early morning hours. We shook all the reefs and all day Friday we had favorable winds blowing 16-20 knots from the WSW and Traveling Light zoomed along at 8-10 knots. There was also welcome signs of abating mal de mer among the crew members. David was finally hungry and asked for mackerel and that is what we had for dinner. We all restored the depleted stores of energy spent last night in the stormy conditions. David was able to take the first watch tonight. Now we are sailing in balmy weather under starry skies with 12-14 knot NW winds in calm seas towards Marsh Harbor. The GPS says that there are only 22 hours left to reach the entrance of the channel to the harbor; that of course if the present conditions hold. We keep our fingers crossed… |