Catching a break

27:03.0N 68:17.3W November 8 Thursday 14:00 Good day and night yesterday and a good day today so far. We finally caught the break that we sorely needed. For the first time in four days David ate his first real meal and kept it. A small miracle indeed. He was even well enough to stay on for the first watch, giving the Skipper and I the first opportunity for meaningful sleep time in four days. And best of all nothing broke on the boat. The weather also has been mostly cooperative. We sailed along with favorable winds through most of the day yesterday and overnight. There were a few squalls last night that were nowhere near as strong as the night before, top winds blowing at 35 knots and we were prepared with deep reefs in the main sail and a substantially furled jib. Today more of the same; although the sky is overcast with intermittent rain the air is pleasantly warm and the wind does not bite anymore. The Skipper and I were doused with buckets of rain early this morning shaking the reefs off the main sail; quite refreshing and well worth the effort as we are now zooming along at 10 to 12 knots with humming hulls and rooster tails off our stern to our destination 553 miles away… |