Day one

Thu 10 Aug 2006 08:29
Hi all, Here goes for the first instalment. I have decided to tell it warts
and all. Left Falmouth with a great send-off from family and friends, a fair
north west wind and good wishes from remote places. The crew? Alex and
myself. Sue had packed Thisbe to the gunwales with pre-prepared meals she
had done, along with, all the convenience stuff and boil in the bag
everything. I
had previously painted the boot topping four inches higher and she is down
to the line. Roger and Trudi sailed along with us as far as the lighthouse,
and we could see Ann and co waving from Pendennis, fair brought a tear to my
eye. Great to be on our way at last though. So as not to bore you with
tedious detail, all went well despite the biggish swell on the starboard
quarter, the bolts holding the mainsheet to the boom decided come adrift in
the middle of the night resulting in an hour of chaos with the boom swinging
wildly in the
vomit inducing roll as we struggled to sort it all out in pitch darkness.
The only
solution was to lash the boom to the pushpit and drop the main,
(except that the main jammed halfway down) to be sorted out in the morning.
Didn't feel very well for some time after that! Motored the rest of the way
as the wind died away
completely, the Chanel du Fore was a non event despite getting the tide the
wrong way round,
arriving in Morgat at two pm on Saturday afternoon, 25 hours.
Very tired and hungry. Alex prepared a meal of boil in the bag rice and
Tai curried chicken cooked from frozen, (I hear there's trouble between the
you could stick wallpaper up with the result, bloody awful and enough rice
left over to feed us for a week.
A good day though, Alex is good crew and great company. Manny.
Felt as though I was lying on the concrete after falling from a high
place last night
but Alex dressed and went out. Maybe I should devote this voyage to the
search for the elixir of youth
though not sure about going through all that again. Bye for now. M