Atlantic crossing 14

Mon 11 Dec 2006 14:18
Victor on deck at midnight and shook out the reef, plodding now after the
flying we have experienced. Sailors are never happy.
Am Sunday found us wallowing along at 4kn, did some work on the rig which
gave us another one knot. Last nights run 130 miles. Bad news of a man
overboard from a boat a couple of hundred miles ahead of us, not an ARC
boat, but nevertheless. Very upsetting. Tried to do a bit of fishing
yesterday but spent most of the time sorting out the gear. Today we will
catch a fish. Having a few problems with rubbish etc.but containing it ok so
far, can't bring myself to litter up this wonderful place. Didn't fish as
wind picked up so romping along at 6 ish. More bad news in the fleet,
another boat
abandoned, lost rudder due to hitting a whale they think. Many of the big
boats are arriving in St L. 800 miles ahead of us. Our turn will come I am
sure. Big problem during Sunday night. The twistle poles came apart again,
the main bolt broke, just tired I guess. Why do these things always happen
at night with a biggish following sea. Not much fun on the foredeck. Fixed
the problem at first light, all ok but a bit hairy. Alex did a big cookup
today so feeling fat full and lazy now, just cruising quietly along, very
restful. 720 miles to go, feel as though we have cracked it or is that
tempting fate ? When we get to St Lucia going to lay in a hammock with a rum
punch. Short one today as nothing much to report. C U Manny